Why Businesses Fail

I’m frustrated.

I’ve been at this for weeks now.

I give up! I quit.

At least that’s how I feel at the moment. But it will pass. It always does.

And I’ll keep moving forward.

You see, for the past 3 weeks my server (where I host all my sites) has been a bit wonky.

Every 4-6 hours it spins up and uses all the resources at once. Everything lags and grinds to a halt.

Which means when a potential customer tries to buy something, they can’t!

… and that’s no good.

So over the past few weeks I’ve done everything I possibly can to isolate this VERY frustrating problem. I’ve temporarily shut down sites. I’ve sifted through error logs until my vision was blurry. I’ve learned more about hosting and servers than I ever thought I’d need. And still… for the life of me… I can’t find where this damn problem is coming from!


But this “feeling” isn’t new. It’s one I felt many times before.

Like when I was first figuring out what WordPress was and how to install it.

It’s the same feeling I had when I created my first product… and forgot to add a buy button.

I recognize it from my first 2-3 months of paid advertising. Why won’t this damn thing work!

Bumbling around setting up my e-mail marketing sales funnels for the first time triggered it too!

And here it is, rearing it’s ugly head again over fixing these server issues.

But just like before, the frustration will pass.

I’ll dust myself off. Pick myself up, and go back at it with fresh determination – until the problem is solved.

Because it doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked off the horse.

The only thing that matters is that you get back up and try again.

So next time you’re frustrated and want to throw your computer out the window just know that it’s par for the course.

If you’re not frustrated, you’re not pushing yourself.

Frustration is the step immediately before a big breakthrough!

So take a break. Walk away. The problem isn’t going anywhere.

(Maybe go read this article about YoYo’s… )

And then come back with fresh resolve.

Because at the end of the day, the only way you can fail at this… is if you quit.

So no matter how frustrated you get. No matter how difficult the task may appear.

Never give up. Get back up on that horse.

Try again. And keep at it until you win.

You got this.

* Adam

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Adam Nolan

Adam Nolan is a direct response marketing consultant from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. For nearly 20 years he's sold millions of dollars of products & services for clients all around the world, written a handful of books, and personally helped hundreds of people start or grow their businesses.

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