So I woke up this morning and stumbled on down stairs to get a coffee. The missus (Roxanne) was sitting on the couch just reading an email and shaking her head in frustration. I asked her what was going on and she replied.
“Well, you know that customer who bought my course a week ago? The one who asked for me to do the work for her b/c she didn't want to read the course. Well she emailed me back …”
Customers Response : I'm not going to pay you money just to talk to me!
Jeeze… I hope this customer doesn't ever have to pay for a doctor, lawyer, psychologist, psychiatrist or any expert in any niche… ever. Rox told me I'd “laugh”… and I did, but there's also a bit of frustration that goes along with this b/c I know deep down inside that that this person doesn't value their time. The most limited resource we have.
Personally… I'll give you anything you want if you get me from Point A to Point B as fast as possible.
Different strokes for different folks I guess…
– Adam